So this is a sound check of sorts as I have never blogged before in my life and now here I am attempting to work the page. I have come to the blogging as a way of doing "daily pages" a concept that I first encountered in "The Right to Write". I have never been that good at doing the writing on a daily basis and really incorporating it into my routine but I have gotten closer over the last couple of months and now I feel it is necessary to just knock some of the stuff out of my head that is like "warming up" so that when I do sit down to write my fiction, I won't have to fight past my verbal diahrrea that winds up consuming two or three pages before I can get a word of fiction on the page.
So, I have been writing a lot more than I have ever written in the past and I love it. I have joined the MFA program at Pacific University and it has been a dream come true. It has provided me the chance to form a community of writers like Katey Schultz, Charles Green and others.
I don't know if I will have much endurance when it comes to the blogspot campaign I am waging against myself but I plan on giving it a try. I appreciate you all taking the time to view this, if there are any "you alls" out there, but thanks.
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