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Hello, two am. It's me. I'm here again. I hope you remember me. It's not the first time we've met. Not by a longshot.
I've been up writing for a while now, and watching first episodes of television shows I like. I've got the bug. The "I've-got-to-get-this-down-now-while-I-can" kind of bug that feels like heat, like fire, like passion. It's the kind of juice that makes me want to go upstairs and stir my wife and say, "Hey, remember me? I'm going to wake you in the middle of the night and show you the man you fell in love with." I feel like taking a walk in the early morning hours and counting stars.
You know what's got me there? A schedule. A deadline. When I have those...I'm good. When I'm left with open-ended timeframes, my creativity falters. My ideas don't even make it to notebooks. I piss away ideas without even bothering to quality check them.
Today? Today I had a scheduled meeting with people who hold me accountable. Today? Today I expanded a new scene, cut another, restarted it, found a new opening, and began a portion of research that will lead me to new areas of understanding about my subject.
Tomorrow? Tomorrow I'm tired because my life will come crashing in on me. Tomorrrow? Tomorrow my daughter will wake me up and we will spend the day together, having breakfast just the two of us, meeting friends, swimming, having a good time. Then, it is off to work. Tomorrow is the restaurant on a Friday. Tomorrow? Tomorrow is everyone else. Tomorrow is deferred at 1 am.
I now tomorrow will come. I know I will drag ass. I know I should go to bed, but I can't. I'm kicking with the juice that takes me back to my younger self. Today, having written, I feel virile, strong, alive, and engaged. Today I can remember why I do this, and tomorrow...? Tomorrow I will deal with then.
I may be sleepy, but I'm alive, and I found the space in which to exercise my creative mind.
To all my collaborators...THANK YOU!!!