Friday, July 18, 2008

My Thesis as Ash

I realized today that it has almost been a month since I graduated from the MFA program and there isn't a single person in my personal life that has taken the time to read my thesis. Not one. In fact, this morning as I was sitting with Shea, my wife handed me my thesis so that I could endorse my paycheck. I asked her if she had gotten any further into it since we last talked (she hadn't even finished the first story) and she said no. She said she hadn't had time. I told her that people make time for what is important, don't they? She didn't get it. She didn't understand that that artifact, that tome of dust and ash is very important to me although it is nothing more than a snapshot of a period in my life. It is part of the past and there is nothing I can do to hold on to it, preserve it. I can simply march forward. In the end, from my loved ones, all I want to know is that someone gave a damn.

1 comment:

  1. :( I hope that conversation niggles at the back of her mind and reminds her. It is important. We're writing to write, but also to be heard. Maybe as time goes on and she sees you sending stuff out, looking for that audience, it will become clear.
