Monday, July 16, 2007


I've begun my day at home today with feelings of anxiety about my job performance. I'm beginning to wonder if I am doing my job at all. I know I am making phone calls like I'm supposed to but not as many as I should and I'm not having the most stellar results.

I can't tell if this is merely me being unused to the part time gig and that I just need to settle in for the long haul and hope that I will become adjusted or if I really need to up the ante here and get to work.

I just can't get over the feelings of despair when faced with my days work. Calling strangers one after the other all day long is not how I imagined myself spending my life. I'm hoping that I will have the opportunity, as a result of school, to change professions and get out of this job that I have hated for three years, part time or full time.

So, this is basically a "I-hate-my-job" tirade and nothing more. Tomorrow is another day.

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