Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dropped the Ball, Picked It Up and Ran With It

I was attempting to blog every day of the residency, but I dropped the ball. There was so much I could have written about but all of that energy got funneled into the creative work. I couldn't help but come back to the page again and again.

Work I got out of the residency:
I have one whole first draft of a nonfiction essay.
I have two partial drafts of nonfiction essays. I couldn't do the research for one of them in Seaside because the library didn't have what I needed and Stephen helped me find the structure for the other one. I can't wait to get going on them.
I have two partial drafts of short stories. One of them was urged by Ellen and Mark. It grew out of a rant, an anecdote, in the bar. Bonnie would be so proud (her craft talk was on how to make anecdotes into stories).
Strangely enough, I have a completed first draft of a children's book.

I set out to have one whole short story completed. I'll put the completed nonfiction essay in that spot and say, "Check. Mission accomplished." What is greater than that is that I'm burning with inspiration. I went to the residency to find the juice and that is what I got.

Also, I met the fiction editor of a literary magazine, dined with her, and she asked that I send her one of my stories for consideration. Here's to hoping. I'm going to take a look at it and make sure that it is polished enough.

One helluva week, I'd say.

1 comment:

  1. I give you your new name: CAPTAIN IMPRESSIVE!

    Seriously, I am quite impressed.
