Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm sitting in my living room feeling a little sorry for myself as I sniffle away the afternoon. I've been surfing the net instead of preparing for class and I'm beginning to feel a little nervous about that.

There is one thing I can say happened this afternoon. I found a really interesting website where the best translations of the year are posted. Translations are few and far between in the US and I think it is something we need to address. This comes on the heels of John Anthony Allen giving a senior presentation on the subject. But he is right.

It also flashes me to something I once heard the novelist David Long say, "We are what we read, but, also, we are what we DON'T read." Allowing ourselves exposure to the literature from around the world is necessary to have an educated conversation about the nature of art in the modern world. Check out this site for some possible reads in the future.

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