Friday, January 24, 2014

Revising A Promise - A Promise Post

My promise this week hinged on the availability of another.  As such, I am subject to their schedule, as is right and proper.  This week is a bad week for my brother, so I need to redraw for the week.

My original draw was:

Unfortunately, it was not meant to be this week. As such, I've had to redraw.  I drew...

I LOVE the movies.  I love the whole experience of going to the cinema.  In fact, I love it so much that I used to go alone to the movies I really wanted to see.  Sitting in the dark, alone, allowing the film to wash over you is a formidable experience for me.  I can't wait.  I'll have to survey the listings and let you know what I finally choose.

This one is a simple one, but one that I look forward to immensely.  Although I can't wait to hang out with Kerry either.

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