Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nanowrimo - Day Three

I can't even tell you how liberating this Nanowrimo project is becoming.  I seem to have shed all of the learned inhibitions of my MFA program and am returning to a much more uninhibited way of writing.  Words are simply pouring out of me.  The river scene has gotten intense and I now realize that it is an emotionally pivotal moment between John and Willy.  There is something brewing underneath the surface with these two friends.  They love each other, yes, but there is also an element of trauma and rage in each of them.  I can't wait to fully explore this dynamic.  The river scene, or chapter, is basically complete in that it has a beginning, middle, and end.   It is ROUGH, but it is complete, and I have a sense of elation about the whole thing. 

I knew I wanted to do this project.  I knew it would be good for me.  I am a student at heart and I function well under deadline.  When there is no impending date or structure for me to function under, I fall to pieces.  Having this deadline of 1,667 words a day is actually kind of liberating.  It doesn't ask for 1,667 GOOD words a day, only words.  When I allow myself to work under this preconception, I produce. 

Word Count: 1,884
Total Word Count: 5,852
Sample Sentence/Sentences:

John struggled his way up the rocky face, but he did it under his own power.  When Willy crested the hill behind him, he found John standing dazed in the morning sunlight, mud streaking his body from his face to his feet.  The dust from the rocky climb had clung to his saturated clothes.  He was filthy, a frightening sight for any passing motorist, but it was his vacant gaze that chilled Willy. 

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